Aquarium Fish Gallery 2

This blog will give you general information's about some of the most popular aquarium species you can keep in your aqua-hobby. Join the Cyprinid and Cichlid species. Happy fish-keeping !!!


Red-Tailed Black Shark

Epalzeorhynchos bicolor
Red-tailed Shark can be kept easily in the home aquarium for many years. Their water temperature should be kept between 22 and 26'C. The water hardness should be soft pH 6.5. They also benefit from frequent water changes. A larger aquarium is best to house these fish as if you are going to keep more than one as pecking order will be established, with one fish controlling the whole group. You will be able to identify the leader by its intense coloration. Hiding places must be provided. The tank should not be lit to bright as the fish are shy. Decorations should include driftwood and live plants. Diet should be balanced with a good flake food, occasional live food and supplemented with some vegetable matter. All in all Epalzeorhynchos Bicolor is a fine and colorful addition to any aquarium. Specimens that are in poor health or not kept in the proper conditions will appear pale and washed out.
It is a beautiful active fish but can be a nightmare, aggressive towards its own kind and others.
They grow up to 12 cm.

Photo by Dusko Bojic