Aquarium Fish Gallery 2

This blog will give you general information's about some of the most popular aquarium species you can keep in your aqua-hobby. Join the Cyprinid and Cichlid species. Happy fish-keeping !!!


Zebra Danio

Danio rerio
Among the most hardy and active of aquarium fish, the Zebra danio is easily recognized by its distinctive horizontal stripes. The slim compressed silver-gold body sports blue-purple horizontal stripes running from gill to tail.
Their small size, no more than 6 cm, and peaceful nature, make them well suited to a community aquarium. Both sexes have two pairs of barbels and the same stripes, but females are usually larger and more full-bodied than the males.
They should be provided with plenty of lighting and an open swimming space, together with some vegetation.
Zebra danios are omnivorous, accepting almost any foods. Although undemanding in diet, they particularly enjoy small live or frozen inverts, and fresh vegetable matter.
Zebras are primarily surface dwelling fish that favor moving waters. Technically they are considered cold-water fish. However, they will adapt to a wide range of water conditions. Temperature should be kept between 18-24'C. The pH 6,5-7.

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